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From the end of 2024, you’ll be able to get some pension paperwork online only rather than by post. If you’ve changed your address, you’ll also need to tell us online.
The first documents to be moved online are:
You may not get all of these documents, as it depends on your membership. Any documents you do get will move online only from the end of 2024, unless you opt in to print.
If you opt in to print, these documents will be sent to you by post.
If you have a myRPS account, you’ll get your documents online from the end of 2024. Unless you tell us you want to opt in to print.
If you opt in to print, you’ll get your documents by post, even if you have a myRPS account.
If you don’t have a myRPS account AND you don’t opt in to print, you’ll get your documents by post. So, if you’d prefer to get things online, you need to register for a myRPS account.
Go paperless
If you’re happy to get your documents online, you don’t need to tell us. But, you will need a myRPS account to access them.
If you already have an account, you’ll get some documents online automatically from the end of 2024. However, you will continue to get things in print until then.
If you haven’t got an account, you can register quickly and easily here. The page also includes helpful instructions, and a short video on how to register.
Continue with print
You can opt for print, even if you have a myRPS account, but you’ll need to tell us.
To opt-into print just fill in this form. You can also call the Helpline if you prefer.
You may still get communications giving you the chance to opt in throughout 2024, but you only need to tell us once.
Do nothing
If you don’t register for a myRPS account, and don’t opt into print, your personal documents will still be sent to you by post. However other items like newsletters, will be online only from the end of 2024.
It’s up to you
However you choose to get your documents (print or online) it will apply for all of your periods of membership, and for any documents that are moved online in future. But you can change your mind by contacting us at any time.
Your online documents will be in the ‘My Library’ section of your myRPS account.
Your latest Annual Benefit Statement, P60s and pension year-end letters will be in the 'View statements and estimates' page in the 'My Pension' section.
Newsletters can be found on the dedicated Newsletter page, in the ‘Knowledge Hub’ without logging in.
We provide regular newsletters to help you navigate your pension whether you're paying into the Scheme, not paying in anymore, or receiving your pension.
Our blog gives you lots of insight and information to help support you on your journey to retirement.
Register with Platform today to have your say in how we communicate with you and other members about your pension.