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Contribution changes for active DB members

Jun 28, 2021
As a defined benefit (DB) member, the money paid into your pension, known as contributions, is reassessed every year in line with Scheme rules.

Contributions can go up, down, or stay the same, depending on the results of this review. With any changes coming into effect from July.

Regardless of whether your contributions change, your retirement benefits will not be affected. That’s because benefits are based primarily on your final average pay and length of membership and not what you pay in year by year.

This review simply helps us to make sure there will be enough to cover your benefits when you retire.

You can find out more about your benefits here 

So how does the annual contribution reassessment work?

The contribution reassessment is carried out every year for all active DB members in the RPS. 

First, your employer send us information about your pensionable pay.

Then, we use that information to work out what you, and your employer, should be paying into the Scheme, in order for you to get the benefits you’re entitled to when you retire.

If your pensionable pay has increased from the previous year, your contributions into the Scheme could go up.

If you have not received a pay increase then contributions can stay the same, or go down in some cases. 

What does it mean for me?

If we need to change how much you’re paying into your pension, then you should see this reflected in your pay and pension statements starting from July.

Your retirement benefits will not be affected.

You cannot alter your contribution rates into the DB pension scheme.

However, if you would like to pay more, you could do so through Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs). You can read more about AVCs here

If you have any further questions about the reassessment of contributions, you can speak to your employer or contact us direct on or 0800 012 1117.

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