
A deep-dive into a variety of pension topics to help you understand and learn more about your pension and the Scheme.

Read our blog for further pension insights

Our blogs will give you information, tips, insights and guidance to help you get to know your pension and support you on your journey to retirement. 

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Author: Editorial
<p>Investments is a topic that comes up quite often in member feedback. If you're one of those interested in finding out more, here's a roundup of some key points and where to find further information on your member website.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h5>Your pension is invested for your future</h5><p>The Railways Pension Scheme (RPS) is one of the largest and longest-established pension schemes in the UK, with 350,000 members and £34 billion in assets. The Trustee delegates to Railpen who are responsible for administering your pension and for investing the pension contributions (made by you and your employer) to give you an income in retirement.<br></p><p>Railpen’s purpose is to secure members’ future, while positively impacting the world members’ retire into. <br></p><p>For defined benefit (DB) pensions – which includes most sections of the Scheme – the money that you as members and your employers pay in is pooled together, managed and invested in-house by Railpen’s team of investment specialists. <br></p><p>Investments work differently for members who pay into the Industry-Wide Defined Contribution Section of the Scheme and for those who save more towards their pension with both or either one of the two Additional Voluntary Contribution arrangements, BRASS and AVC Extra. The money that’s paid in is invested into funds – the aim being to increase members’ savings over time. <br></p><p>More information on this is available on the following pages:<br></p><ul><li><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">IWDC How my investments work</a></li><li><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">BRASS &amp; AVC Extra How my investments work</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Your pension is invested on your behalf</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br></li></ul><h5>&nbsp;</h5><h5>Members’ outcomes are at the core of our investment approach</h5><p>Railpen’s investment decisions are guided by a set of 6 Investment Beliefs (created by the Trustee and Railpen). <br></p><p>As part of their overall investment approach and beliefs, Railpen focuses on the needs of the members of the Scheme, whose money it invests. Everything it does is centred around achieving the best possible returns for the Scheme and its members. <br></p><p>Find out more about our approach to investing and the 6 Investment Beliefs on the <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Our approach to investing page</a>.<br></p><p>Raipen takes a diverse approach to investing, and invests primarily in the following:<br></p><ul><li>Financial assets</li><li>Real assets<br></li></ul><p>It invests in financial assets, like stocks and bonds, through both public and private market opportunities. By contrast, it also invests in areas like renewable energy, infrastructure, and property through real asset opportunities. <br></p><p>When it comes to property investment, Railpen invests your pension both abroad and here, the UK. Currently, 33% of the assets Railpen manages (£11 billion) are invested in the UK – the rest is invested abroad.<br></p><p>Watch this video to understand more about how Railpen invests your pension in the UK:<br><strong></strong></p><div data-sf-disable-link-event=""><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups"></iframe></div><p><strong></strong><br>We don’t keep all of our eggs in one basket, as the saying goes, for 2 main reasons. Investing in this way allows us to: <br></p><ol><li>deliver better long-term outcomes for our members, and </li><li>gives our investments greater resilience against any risks they may encounter along the way<br></li></ol><p>You can understand more on the <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Where we invest page</a> and in the following blogs:<br></p><ul><li><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Your pension is invested on your behalf</a> </li><li><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Investments: keeping it real blog</a><br></li></ul><h5>&nbsp;</h5><h5>Supporting a more sustainable future for us all</h5><p>Railpen call their way of ensuring the investments they make do well for the world we live in ‘sustainable ownership’.<br></p><p>Here’s a video giving you an overview of how your money has been invested with sustainability in mind, taking into account a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.</p><p><span style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; text-align: inherit; text-transform: inherit; word-spacing: normal; caret-color: auto; white-space: inherit"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups">&nbsp;</iframe></span></p><p>It describes how the investment specialists responsible for the investment of your pension money incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into the investment decisions they make on members’ behalf.<br></p><p>The main aim of these decisions is to help your money grow. In order to achieve this, Railpen invests in well-run companies that have the potential to thrive over the long term. <br></p><p>Railpen ensures it focuses on the matters that are most meaningful to members of the schemes. <br></p><p>In 2023 members said these were as follows: <br></p><ul><li>Fair treatment of workers</li><li>Fair pay</li><li>Making sure boards can be held to account<br></li></ul><p>Railpen's investment specialists use their influence to encourage the companies they invest in to address and act upon these issues. <br></p><p>They do this in a number of ways including speaking to companies privately (individually or alongside other investors) by making their views known publicly through the use of voting rights or by forming coalitions and influencing policymakers to change their regulations.<br></p><p>You can find out more about Railpen’s sustainable ownership work via the following links:<br></p><ul><li><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Sustainable Ownership page</a></li><li><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Sustainable Ownership blogs page</a></li><li><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Sustainable Ownership Member Review 2023</a></li></ul><p>There’s more about Railpen’s investment approach on their YouTube channel – <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="" style="font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; text-align: inherit; text-transform: inherit; word-spacing: normal; white-space: inherit">subscribe to Railpen’s YouTube channel</a><br></p>

Investments and your pension: 2024 recap

As we approach the end of this calendar year, we recap on the investment content we shared with members over the past 12 months.

Investments is a topic that comes up quite often in member feedback. If you're one of those interested in finding out more, here's a roundup of some key points and where to find further information on your member website.


Your pension is invested for your future

The Railways Pension Scheme (RPS) is one of the largest and longest-established pension schemes in the UK, with 350,000 members and £34 billion in assets. The Trustee delegates to Railpen who are responsible for administering your pension and for investing the pension contributions (made by you and your employer) to give you an income in retirement.

Railpen’s purpose is to secure members’ future, while positively impacting the world members’ retire into.

For defined benefit (DB) pensions – which includes most sections of the Scheme – the money that you as members and your employers pay in is pooled together, managed and invested in-house by Railpen’s team of investment specialists.

Investments work differently for members who pay into the Industry-Wide Defined Contribution Section of the Scheme and for those who save more towards their pension with both or either one of the two Additional Voluntary Contribution arrangements, BRASS and AVC Extra. The money that’s paid in is invested into funds – the aim being to increase members’ savings over time.

More information on this is available on the following pages:

Members’ outcomes are at the core of our investment approach

Railpen’s investment decisions are guided by a set of 6 Investment Beliefs (created by the Trustee and Railpen).

As part of their overall investment approach and beliefs, Railpen focuses on the needs of the members of the Scheme, whose money it invests. Everything it does is centred around achieving the best possible returns for the Scheme and its members.

Find out more about our approach to investing and the 6 Investment Beliefs on the Our approach to investing page.

Raipen takes a diverse approach to investing, and invests primarily in the following:

  • Financial assets
  • Real assets

It invests in financial assets, like stocks and bonds, through both public and private market opportunities. By contrast, it also invests in areas like renewable energy, infrastructure, and property through real asset opportunities.

When it comes to property investment, Railpen invests your pension both abroad and here, the UK. Currently, 33% of the assets Railpen manages (£11 billion) are invested in the UK – the rest is invested abroad.

Watch this video to understand more about how Railpen invests your pension in the UK:

We don’t keep all of our eggs in one basket, as the saying goes, for 2 main reasons. Investing in this way allows us to:

  1. deliver better long-term outcomes for our members, and
  2. gives our investments greater resilience against any risks they may encounter along the way

You can understand more on the Where we invest page and in the following blogs:

Supporting a more sustainable future for us all

Railpen call their way of ensuring the investments they make do well for the world we live in ‘sustainable ownership’.

Here’s a video giving you an overview of how your money has been invested with sustainability in mind, taking into account a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

It describes how the investment specialists responsible for the investment of your pension money incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into the investment decisions they make on members’ behalf.

The main aim of these decisions is to help your money grow. In order to achieve this, Railpen invests in well-run companies that have the potential to thrive over the long term.

Railpen ensures it focuses on the matters that are most meaningful to members of the schemes.

In 2023 members said these were as follows:

  • Fair treatment of workers
  • Fair pay
  • Making sure boards can be held to account

Railpen's investment specialists use their influence to encourage the companies they invest in to address and act upon these issues.

They do this in a number of ways including speaking to companies privately (individually or alongside other investors) by making their views known publicly through the use of voting rights or by forming coalitions and influencing policymakers to change their regulations.

You can find out more about Railpen’s sustainable ownership work via the following links:

There’s more about Railpen’s investment approach on their YouTube channel – subscribe to Railpen’s YouTube channel

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