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Tell us what you think of how your pension is invested

Nov 13, 2024
Members of the Scheme can now share their views of how the investment manager of their pension, Railpen, invests their savings.

To do this, you’d need to complete a survey by Friday, 13 December.

You’ll be able to find the link that will take you to the survey when you log into your myRPS account.

When you log in, you'll see our most recent articles on the top right of your dashboard. Click on the Complete our survey on how your pension is invested article and the survey link should be on the bottom. Click on the link and this should take you to the survey. It should take you around 15 minutes to answer the questions. The survey is not available if you're a retired members so you won't see the news article on your dashboard.

Your feedback will help us to further enhance our knowledge of your interests in sustainable ownership - our approach to incorporating sustainability issues, like climate change or executive pay, into the investments Railpen manages on your behalf.

It’s a really important topic so we want to hear what you think. This is the third year we've asked for your thoughts. We've had some great feedback the last few years, which helped shape this year's member report on sustainable ownership. We’ll continue to listen carefully to your views.

Thank you for taking the time to share your views with us. 

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