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Sustainable Ownership Member Review 2023

Oct 28, 2024
Find out more about our approach to investing and what we did on members’ behalf in 2023.


The annual Sustainable Ownership Member Review offers an insight into how members’ money has been invested with sustainability in mind, taking into account a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

Railpen, which administers and invests on behalf of the railways pension schemes, calls this approach to investing ‘sustainable ownership’ and believes it’s an important way to help secure our members’ future, while positively impacting the world they retire into.

The latest Sustainable Ownership Member Review is online now, and details what Railpen did to deliver sustainable ownership on behalf of members in the railways pension schemes in 2023.

You can read or download the full review at

For the first time, there is also a video version of the review, which includes interviews with some of Railpen’s award-winning Sustainable Ownership (SO) team. This has been produced following feedback from members asking for more content in video format.

You can watch the video below or via Railpen’s YouTube channel -


Both the written review and video focus on the sustainable ownership issues that members told us were most important to them. For 2023, these were:

  1. fair treatment of workers
  2. fair pay
  3. making sure company boards can be held to account

Members also said that more broadly that governance, i.e. how well a company is managed, was really important too.

Railpen’s Sustainable Ownership team will be carrying out more research with members in the coming months and we’ll share more details via the website and member newsletters when it’s available.

In the meantime, you can find further information about Railpen’s work on sustainable ownership using the links below.

RPS website – information on sustainable ownership

Railpen website – information on responsible investing

You can also share any thoughts you have about the Sustainable Ownership Review 2023, or Railpen’s approach to sustainable ownership more generally, by emailing

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