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Boost your financial fitness and your mental and physical health, this World Wellbeing Week (24-30 June)

Jun 24, 2024
When we’re financially fit, we are happier, less stressed and more present. When we don’t feel in control of our finances, this can have a significant impact on our wellbeing, and make daily tasks difficult.

According to the NHS, money worries can lead to:

  • low mood/depression
  • low self-esteem
  • feelings of guilt or shame if you’re not earning enough, or if you’re unemployed
  • trouble sleeping

This week is World Wellbeing Week (24-30 June), the perfect time to think about small changes you could make to improve your financial fitness, and your mental and physical health, to improve your wellbeing. Here are some tips on how you can do that.

To improve your financial fitness...

Refamiliarize yourself with your pension

Register or log into your free myRPS account to see your current savings, access all your important pension documents and more. Learn all about the benefits of your membership here.

Use your planning tools

Use the Retirement Budgeting Calculator to guide you on how much you need to save for your desired future. This considers things like how many club memberships you’d like, holidays per year, and where you plan on living.

Use the MoneyFit tool

This tool makes managing your money easier, tailoring hints and tips to your particular circumstances, to help you take control of your finances. You can find the MoneyFit tool in the ‘Planning for the future’ section when you log into your account.

Take care of your mental and physical health

Practise being mindful and present

Take a mindful walk, paying close attention to your senses and the wildlife around you.

Replenish your energy

By eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, and finding some time to relax.

Connect with loved ones

Spending time with people you love boosts your oxytocin levels (the feel-good hormone), making you feel more connected and refreshed, particularly if you’ve had a stressful time. Been thinking of calling someone for a while? Use this week as an opportunity to reconnect.

Do more of what makes you feel good

It could be gardening, painting or reading a good novel. Make more time for what you love this week.

If you need some extra support…

Visit The Railway Benefit Fund, a charity that aims to improve the lives of rail employees and their families, by providing customised support.

Visit MoneyHelper to get free, impartial advice on your pension and finances.

If you need a bit of emotional support or just a friendly chat, call the Samaritans on 116123.

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