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Read the latest news about the Scheme and your pension below.
You can also visit the blog for a deeper dive into a variety of pension topics.
Our Helpline is closed for the Easter bank holidays from Friday 29 March, reopening Tuesday 2 April.
If you have questions about your pension during this time, you can find lots of useful information across the website and in your myRPS account.
This includes:
You can also use the Virtual Assistant tool to ask general questions about pensions and get an immediate response. Just look for the smiley face icon on any page of this website.
The Helpline will be open as normal on all weekdays outside of the bank holidays. Please check the Get in touch page for details.
We provide regular newsletters to help you navigate your pension whether you're paying into the Scheme, not paying in anymore, or receiving your pension.
Our blog gives you lots of insight and information to help support you on your journey to retirement.
Register with Platform today to have your say in how we communicate with you and other members about your pension.