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Free will writing for the rail industry this month

Mar 12, 2024
Charity the Railway Benefit Fund (RBF) has teamed up with free will writing service Bequathed to offer free will writing to the rail industry this March.


Sponsored by Railpen – the investment manager of the Scheme – the initiative aims to make will writing accessible for current and retired railway employees and their families.

Members of the Scheme can have a will drafted for free, either online or over the phone. For more information and to get started, head to RBF’s website or call 020 8191 0587.

What is a will?

A will is a legal document which lets you decide what happens to your money, property and possessions after your death. This is also known as your ‘estate’.

A new report from the National Will Register has found that 42% of adults in the UK have not spoken to anyone about what should happen to their estate upon their passing. Writing a will is the only way to ensure that your final wishes for your estate are fulfilled. If you die without making a will, your estate will be divided based on laws out of your control and your wishes may not be carried out.

How to have a will created for free?

To start the process online, head to Support Railway Benefit Fund with your Will For Good ( and click ‘Start your Will online’. Follow the steps – you’d need to answer some questions about you and what you want your will to achieve. Once you’ve completed all the information needed, you’ll receive your will for signing in 2 days.

Don’t forget your pension

Remember, your pension isn’t included in your will. You should separately nominate loved ones or causes to receive any death benefits payable if you die in service. To do this, you’d need to log into your online myRPS account and to make or update your nominations. It takes 5 simple steps to make a nomination:

  • Log in to your myRPS account
  • Go to ‘My Nominations’ (under the ‘My Pension’ section)
  • Add the details of each nominee
  • Select what percentage you’d like each nominee to receive, making sure it adds up to 100%
  • Press submit

Supporting RBF

Members are under no obligation to include a gift to RBF in their will. However, the charity hope that many in the industry will take the opportunity to consider supporting them. A gift left in a will, such as a donation, or a percentage of an estate, ensures that RBF can continue to support the Railway Family going through difficult times when they need them.

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