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Thank you to our Platform members

Dec 18, 2023
It’s been another busy year for our Platform member group, and we are so grateful for the insights they have shared with us.

You can read a summary of everything Platform has helped us with over the past 12 months below.

If you’re interested in joining Platform and sharing your views in 2024, please follow the link below. The group is open to all RPS members, whether or not you’re currently paying in.

Have your say with Platform

A recap of Platform survey results for 2023

Views on the Trustee board

Our first survey for the year sought Platform’s views on our Trustee Board. Over 60 members responded and told us they’d like more information about the Trustee and how they ensure the schemes are well-run. As a result, we started to make the Trustee structure, role and aim more prominent on the member website and in newsletters. 

How we invest your pension

In January, Platform members took part in an online focus group where we talked about sustainable ownership issues, our work in this area and its importance to scheme members. We incorporated the ideas and feedback we received into our second Sustainable Ownership Member Review, crafted specifically for members, which was launched in September.

RPS member website changes

In March, we asked members of the Railways Pension Scheme (RPS) to share their thoughts on the member website. Although, we received some really positive feedback about the website being easy to use and having good information, some respondents found it cluttered and difficult to navigate around. We used this feedback to develop a new, improved member website that provides a better user experience. The new RPS website was launched in July and a follow up survey revealed that nearly 50% of respondents saw an improvement. They particularly appreciated how clearly the information is presented, the range of topics covered and how the site looks.

Your member X (Twitter) channel

April saw us seeking Platform’s views on our member X (formerly Twitter) channels. This helped inform our social media content strategy. 

Investing your pension sustainably

Over the past couple of years, Platform’s feedback has proved invaluable in helping us shape our communications around sustainable ownership. In November, we asked again for the third year in a row.

We’ll use the feedback to inform the member roundtables we’ll be holding in the New Year and as a cornerstone of our 2023 Member Review, which will be published in autumn 2024.   

What your RPS pension means to you

Finally, all new joiners to the Platform group receive a ‘Welcome’ email, which prompts them to answer a few questions about what their pension means to them. This really helps us to understand how members see their pension and why it matters. The top answer for this year is ‘saving for life after work,’ with members also valuing the benefits they receive and their rail pension being an investment in their future.

What to read next...