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Write or change your will for free in October 2023

Oct 6, 2023
If you’re 55 or over you may be able to have a will drafted for you, or change your existing will if you already have one, free of charge.

It’s easy to put off making a will, as it may not seem important to you right now. But if you don’t make a will, it can cause legal problems and lead to additional costs and stress for your loved ones. Taking the time to make a free will now could really pay off later.

Free Wills Month is taking place for a second time this year. It runs from 2-31 October, and hundreds of solicitors are getting involved with the campaign, led by a group of charities.

How can I get a free will?

Simply visit and type in your postcode to find solicitors who are taking part in the campaign in your local area. You can then book an appointment with a solicitor of your choice directly through the website.

Why should I make a will?

A will is a legal document which lets you decide what happens to your money, property and possessions after your death. This is also known as your ‘estate’.

If you don’t make a will, the law will decide who inherits what from your estate, which may not match your wishes. 

Keeping your will up-to-date is one of the best ways to make sure your wishes are followed. It can also give you peace of mind that your loved ones are provided for, should the worst happen to you.

You can find more information about making a will at

Does my will cover my RPS pension?

It’s important to remember that your will does not cover any death benefits payable from your RPS pension.

You should separately update your nominations in your myRPS account to say where you’d like any lump sum death benefit payments from your pension to go if you die before you claim them. This cannot be covered in your will, as your railways pension is separate to the rest of your estate.

You can learn about how death benefits from your RPS pension might work on the dedicated reporting a death page.



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