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Changes to your website... coming soon!

Jul 3, 2023
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be making some changes to your website, giving it a new look, a clearer menu and simpler information.
What’s changing and when?

Your new-look website should be up and running by mid-July so don’t worry if you notice some changes the next time you visit.

We’ve listened to your feedback and have not only given the site a fresh new look, but also made changes to help you find what you need much faster. 

One of the biggest changes will be a bigger menu that lets you see almost of all the pages on the website with a simple click. You can see, at a glance, what’s available and where you need to go. 

We’ve reviewed all of the information on the site to make it clearer and more relevant for you. There will be links at the bottom of each of the pages to direct you to other relevant information you might want to check out. 

You’ll also find separate sections for members of the defined benefit (DB) Sections of the Scheme and for the Industry-Wide Defined Contribution (IWDC) Section, as defined benefit and defined contribution arrangement work quite different to one another. 

The homepage is being given a revamp too and we’ve added some quick links to the places members often want to go. You can still find the latest news on the homepage but we’ve moved it higher up so it’s easier for you to find. 

Why we’re making the changes

We’re always looking for ways to make it easier for you to get the information you need and help you understand the information we’re giving you. 

When we relaunched the website in 2020, we promised we’d continue to make improvements and over the years, we’ve added new planning tools and information, launched a Virtual Assistant to help answer your questions, expanded our range of videos and help guides, and allowed you to do more than ever before online to manage your pension. 

But we understand that pensions can be complex and the feedback you gave us told us that it wasn’t always easy for you to find what you needed. 

We hope that the new menu and links will help you get where you need to be much more quickly. And when you find what you’re looking for, it should be clearer and simpler for you to understand. 

Using your myRPS account

Don’t worry – if you’re already registered and have a myRPS account, you can continue to use it as normal. You don’t need to re-register and there are no changes to the log-in process. We haven’t made any changes to the look and feel of your myRPS account, only the pages that are available before you log in. 

The Virtual Assistant will be back soon

When we first launch the new-look site, the Virtual Assistant will be unavailable as we need to update it to ensure it’s taking you to the right information on the new site. But don’t worry, this will only be temporary and we’ll have it back up and running by the end of July.


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