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Helpful new resources for RPS members!

May 17, 2023
The Railways Pension Scheme has created a load of exciting, new resources to welcome new members to the Scheme.

If you’re a new joiner to the Railways Pension Scheme then congratulations and welcome aboard!

Starting this week, every new member of the Scheme will receive a great new package of user-friendly RPS information.

It’s to give you a better understanding of your pension and make it much easier for you to plan for a comfortable life after you’ve finished work.

But even if you’ve been an RPS member for years, you won’t lose out, because some of these really useful, new guides and videos will be available to you too!

  1. If you’re a new joiner to the Scheme, you’ll now receive a short, smart Welcome Pack in the post. This will give you all the basic information you need, like your Pension Reference Number, the name of your Section, a guide to activating your myRPS account, as well as useful tips to help you make the most of your membership. Keep these packs handy as you’ll find them super-helpful for speedy reference.
  2. There’s also a new Welcome Video for new joiners. It’s an enjoyable, 3-minute, whistle-stop tour of the Scheme. We’d highly recommend it for all new members. But if you’re an existing RPS member, we’d encourage you watch the welcome video too. You can find it in the Video Library. It will remind you of all the features and planning tools that the Railways Pension Scheme offers you, and get you thinking more about your life after work.
  3. And there’s more good stuff… we’ve now created 2 engaging RPS Good to Know Guides - one for DB members and another for IWDC members. Your Guide will take you on a journey from the start of your pension, right through to your retirement, as well as explaining everything else in-between.

These Good to Know Guides have been based around common questions that members have. You’ll see the contents listed briefly at the start of each chapter. Simply link directly to the subjects that interest you. You don’t have to read the whole guide in one go. Feel free to check it out whenever you need to.

 You can access the new video and your Good to Know Guide from your dashboard once you’ve activated and logged into your myRPS account. Follow the link to the ‘Welcome to the Scheme’ page. The Good to Know Guides are also available on the Read as You Need page.

We guarantee all members of the RPS, both new joiners and old timers, will find these new guides and video really handy resources.

If you need detailed information on your own specific pension, please register or log in to myRPS to check your Member Guide, which you’ll find under the ‘My Library’ area.

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