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What is the State Pension?

Jan 9, 2023
The State Pension is a four weekly payment from the government which is based on your National Insurance contributions. Find out more about how it works and how to claim it.


The State Pension is separate to the pension you have with the Railways Pension Scheme (RPS) and any other pensions you may have.

To receive your State Pension, you’ll need to claim it from the government once you reach your State Pension age (SPA). 

You can read some useful information to help you understand more about the State Pension on the dedicated State Pension page

You’ll find information on:
  • How the State Pension works
  • When you can claim the State Pension
  • What type of State Pension you will get
  • How much State Pension you will get
  • The Contracted Out Pension Equivalent (COPE)
  • The State Pension and tax
  • The key differences between the State Pension and your Railways Pension

To learn more, visit ‘The State Pension’ section in the ‘Retired’ area of our website. 




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