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From rising energy bills to increasing food prices, we’re all feeling the pinch of the cost of living crisis. As we tighten our belts, scammers have new tricks up their sleeves.
Research from the FCA has found that 25% of savers would think about withdrawing money from their pension earlier than planned to cover rising costs. Once you fall victim to a scam, it’s very difficult to get your money back.
Scammers are only getting smarter so you must stay vigilant.
Anyone can fall victim to a scam. Scammers are often charming, make attractive offers and sound like they have your best interests at heart.
It’s a good idea to discuss your pension with an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA). Before you speak to an IFA, make sure the person or organisation you are speaking to is approved with the FCA.
To find a list of IFAs in your local area visit Unbiased.
We provide regular newsletters to help you navigate your pension whether you're paying into the Scheme, not paying in anymore, or receiving your pension.
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