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New Sustainable Ownership Review for members is out now!

Oct 12, 2022
Railpen, the investment manager of the Railways Pension Scheme (RPS), has published its 2021 Sustainable Ownership Review.

The 2021 Sustainable Ownership Review is based on direct member feedback and has been designed and developed especially for you, the members.  

It explains why and where your contributions are invested sustainably, how they’re likely to grow and how they can improve the world that you retire into.

The 2021 Sustainable Ownership Review brings our investment decisions to your world. It includes genuine examples that show how responsible investing can support your pension outcomes, as well as influence the issues you care about.

It describes Railpen’s investment approach to economic, social and governance (ESG) issues, particularly on fair pay, climate change and good treatment of workers.   

Later this year we’ll be sending a short survey to you about your pension and sustainable ownership. It’s important that we know what you all think, so we’d really appreciate it if you could complete. Every response is valuable and will be taken into account in our work to invest in a way that benefits not only the income you will receive in retirement, but also our world, and the world our children and grandchildren inherit.

The 2021 Sustainable Ownership Review highlights:

  • Executive pay at Rio Tinto, and how Railpen has used its voting rights to influence fairer pay
  • Our activity on the treatment of workers and how we are asking for greater transparency from companies on health and safety, diversity and employee turnover
  • Major engagement campaigns led by Railpen such as the Investor Coalition for Equal Votes
  • Railpen’s Net Zero engagement approach, identifying companies’ alignment to the Paris Agreement, urging them to make progress, assessing steps taken and using this to shape further discussion.

 John Chilman, CEO of Railpen, commented:

Our job is to protect and grow the value of our members’ assets to ensure they can retire securely. We do this by investing in companies that we believe will do well in the long-term.

“We believe the most successful companies in the long-run are well-run, treat their suppliers, customers and workers fairly and seek to address all the risks and opportunities related to how their business works – which include ESG issues. Our size means that we have a responsibility to take the lead on sustainability initiatives, activities and policies, and we are pleased with our progress so far.”

 Christine Kernoghan, Chair of The Railway Pensions Trustee, said:

“As well as engaging with the companies we invest in on our members’ behalf, we continue to listen to our members through research and insights. It’s vital we work closely with members, understanding their views and shaping our approach and communications around their needs. It is clear that our members care about how we invest and consider climate and social issues highly important. Our members trust us to invest responsibly, to be active stewards, and to be accountable, all of which we’re able to demonstrate in this review.”

See the 2021 Sustainable Ownership Review

We welcome all your questions or thoughts on this subject, so please let us know what you think. You can get in touch at

Please watch out for the member survey on Sustainable Ownership which will be sent to you later this year.

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