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Why not take advantage of the offer and put your wishes down on paper so that if the worst happens to you, your loved ones will be protected.
Writing a will is one of those things that always ends up on the bottom of our never-ending to-do lists. However, a will can save on inheritance tax and is a legal document that tells everyone how your money, property and possessions (your ‘estate’) should be divided following your death.
Hundreds of solicitors are getting involved with the campaign this October, so if you haven’t yet drafted a will, now may be the time. Visit and type in your postcode to find out the solicitors who are taking part in the campaign in your local area. You can book an appointment directly through the website with a solicitor of your choice.
Let’s look at some of the main reasons why you need to make sure you’ve got a will that fully reflects your wishes.
Remember, as well as completing a will, you should separately update your nominations in your online myRPS account to say where you’d like any payments from your pension to go if you die before you claim them. This cannot be covered in your will.
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