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Please keep your contact details up-to-date!

Jul 18, 2022
It’s important that we always have your correct contact details so if there’s anything you need to know about your pension, we can get in touch with you quickly.

So if you’ve moved house, changed email address or got a new phone number, please let us know straightaway.

Simply log into your myRPS account and update your records. It’s quick and easy and means you won’t miss out on important news.

It’s good to get into the habit of reviewing your details on a regular basis, for example every three to six months, to ensure they are correct.

Updating your postal address

To review or change your postal address, simply:

  1. Log into your myRPS account
  2. Once logged in, hover over ‘myRPS account’ in the top right corner
  3. Go to the ‘My details’ section and click on ‘Contact details’
  4. Select ‘Edit’ and enter your new address
  5. Click the blue ‘Save’ button on the right

Updating your email address

To review or change your email address, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your myRPS account
  2. Once logged in, hover over ‘myRPS account’ in the top right corner
  3. Go to the ‘My details’ section and click on ‘Account security’
  4. Enter your new email address in the ‘New username’ field and re-type it in the field underneath
  5. Click on the blue ‘Change username’ button when ready
  6. You will receive a verification email into your email address inbox which you must click on in order to complete the process

Updating your telephone number

Follow the steps below to enter your telephone number or to edit the one we have for you:

  1. Log into your myRPS account
  2. Once logged in, hover over ‘myRPS account’ in the top right corner
  3. Go to the ‘My details’ section and click on ‘Contact details’
  4. Scroll down to ‘Notification preferences’ and select ‘SMS’
  5. Type your telephone number in the box and choose the country code it belongs to by selecting he flag icon
  6. Click ‘Save’

What to read next...