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Railpen is a winner again!

Jul 8, 2022
Railpen wins yet another major award for its pension services.

On 7 July 2022, your Railway Pensions Scheme administrator Railpen, won the European Pension Fund of the Year Award at this year’s European Pensions Awards in London.

These annual awards honour the pension providers, investment firms and consultancies across Europe that have demonstrated the highest professional standards across the European pension industry.

For Railpen to win this highly prestigious award is a great honour. It demonstrates our commitment and dedication to the Scheme and to you, our members.  It is also independent, external recognition of the excellence of the Railway Pensions Scheme.

We would like to thank all those involved, including you, for helping us to achieve this. We can assure you we will continue to work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure your benefits are paid securely, affordably and sustainably.

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