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Our annual member survey

Jun 16, 2022
This year around 7,000 randomly-selected members will be given the opportunity to share their views on the service we provide. If you’ve been selected, you will have received an initial email from us explaining more about the survey.


Each year, we send a survey to some of our members to get feedback on the service we provide and how we could improve it.

Our partner, the Institute of Customer Service (ICS), will send an email on the 16 June inviting you take part. This is a legitimate request on behalf of Railpen. The survey doesn’t take long to complete and is your chance to help us shape the future service you receive.

How we use the feedback

It is important that we know how our members feel about the service we provide – both the things we do well and the things we need to improve upon. Your feedback is really important to us. It allows us to keep doing the right things and to improve the service we provide to you.

We are really keen to get your feedback, so if you are invited to take part we’d be really grateful if you could spare a few minutes to fill out the survey. 



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