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A helping hand for the ones you love

Jan 31, 2022
Hopefully, you will enjoy a long and healthy retirement and be able to make the most of your pension savings.

Hopefully, you will enjoy a long and healthy retirement and be able to make the most of your pension savings. However, it’s important to put some simple arrangements in place to make sure the ones closest to you are provided for after you die.  

Be sure to tell the Trustee your choice on where the money you’ve saved into your pension should go. This way you can ensure your pension savings end up in the hands of the right people when you’re no longer here.

Having a Will is not enough

When it comes to passing money on, for many people the first thing that springs to mind is making a Will. And, this undoubtedly is a very important step to make. However a Will doesn’t usually cover your pension savings. According to information provided by the ONS, an estimated 42% of the total wealth of Great Britain is tied up in pension plans*, so make sure you let the Trustee know where your money should go.

Peace of mind for you and for your loved ones

Give the ones you care about the peace of mind they deserve. Complete a nomination form to make sure your wishes are considered by the Trustee, and that they know where you would like your money to be paid. You can nominate individuals, such as a family member or a friend, a charity, club or organisation. You can nominate more than one person by listing what percentage of your lump sum should go to each one of them. If you die before claiming your pension, a lump sum worth up to four times your salary could be paid.

Your nomination is confidential. Your beneficiaries will not be told that you have added or removed them as your nominated beneficiary.

How to make nominations

It takes five simple steps to make a nomination:

  • Log in to your myFund/myRPS account
  • Go to ‘My Nominations’ (under the ‘My Pension’ section)
  • Add the details of each nominee
  • Select what percentage you’d like each nominee to receive, making sure it adds up to 100%
  • Press submit

If you haven’t yet registered for your account, it only takes a few minutes – all you need is your national insurance number, pension reference number and your personal email address.

More information is available

You can find more information on nominations and how to nominate in the Guide to Nominations here.

You can also watch a short video on nominations in the video library here .

*Figure taken from the Office for National Statistics, Pension wealth in Great Britain, published December 2019. 

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