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Easy guides to the new State Pension

Jan 26, 2022
The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) has created some handy, new online guides which explain all you need to know about the new State Pension.

If you’re keen to find out who gets the new State Pension, how you can apply, and how it works, then you can quickly learn all about it in a simple 3-part guide here: Easy read: new State Pension.

Here’s an overview on each of the guides. You can select the links below to access each document in turn.

Introduction to the new State Pension

  • In this guide you can learn about the new State Pension and whether you might be able to get it.
  • You can also find out about other types of pensions (private and workplace) and discover the differences between basic State Pension and new State Pension.
  •  Your State Pension age is the youngest age you can get State Pension. You can check it in this first guide.
  • You can also do a Pension Forecast to see if you qualify and if so, see how much you might get when you reach State Pension age.

 How to apply for new State Pension

  •  Here you can find out exactly how, when and where you should apply for the new State Pension.
  •  Before you get to State Pension age you should also get a letter from the DWP telling you how to apply.

  How the DWP pays new State Pension

  •  This third part to the guide explains how the new State Pension amount is worked out and how it is paid to you.

 For more information on new State Pension, go to

For help to plan your retirement, go to


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