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Read the latest news about the Scheme and your pension below.
You can also visit the blog for a deeper dive into a variety of pension topics.
If you’re keen to find out who gets the new State Pension, how you can apply, and how it works, then you can quickly learn all about it in a simple 3-part guide here: Easy read: new State Pension.
Here’s an overview on each of the guides. You can select the links below to access each document in turn.
Introduction to the new State Pension
How to apply for new State Pension
How the DWP pays new State Pension
For more information on new State Pension, go to
For help to plan your retirement, go to
We provide regular newsletters to help you navigate your pension whether you're paying into the Scheme, not paying in anymore, or receiving your pension.
Our blog gives you lots of insight and information to help support you on your journey to retirement.
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