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Check out our new video library

Dec 23, 2020
Your pension isn't always the easiest thing to get your head around, but we've got a range of videos to help you.

Log in to your myRPS account and check out the new video library, where you'll find short animations to help you understand important pension topics such as tax and nominations. 

Where to find the video library

Log in to your myRPS account and hover under the 'myRPS Account' menu item. Under the 'Planning for your future' section you'll see the 'Video library' option. 

When you select the 'Video library' option, you can choose to view videos on different categories including pension basics in the 'Welcome to your pension' section, planning and saving, tax and other complex topics, and also how to use your new member portal. 

Make sure to keep checking the website for new and improved features, and also ensure you're logging into your myRPS account regularly to manage your pension effectively.

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