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Have your voice heard

Nov 18, 2020
You may have received an email, inviting you to take part in a survey from the Institute of Customer Service (ICS).

Thousands of you were chosen at random to get this email and give us feedback about our services as a sample of the wider membership.

It’s your chance to tell us whether you’re satisfied with the service you receive from us and what we could do better in the future.

The survey itself should only take a few minutes to complete and your answers will be kept strictly confidential.

All the feedback we receive will help to show us how we’re doing in terms of customer satisfaction, compared with other similar organisations.  And will be used to help shape our service for members moving forward. 

The survey is being carried out by ICS on behalf of the Railways Pension Scheme’s administrator, RPMI.   It is open exclusively to RPS members, including active, preserved and pensioners.

If you have any questions about the survey please email 

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