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Retired members can now do more online

Oct 12, 2020
If you are already in receipt of your pension benefits, be sure to check out and make full use of the newly re-vamped Railways Pension Scheme website.


We’ve made some significant improvements to the website to make it even easier for pensioners to keep a close eye on their benefits and to manage them quickly and conveniently online.

The new web portal offers easy access to a secure area of the site – myRPS – which is personalised for each individual member and holds their private pension information.

To register, you will need your personal email address, National Insurance number and your unique pension reference number (which you can find on recent correspondence you have received from the Scheme).

When you register and log in to your account, you can:

  • Check your payslips
  • Check and update your contact details (such as your email address, phone number and postal address)
  • View and update your death benefit nominations if you retired within the last five years
  • Access messages about your pension account

Register or log into your myRPS account here.

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