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RPS Trustee announces new Chair

Mar 15, 2019
The Railway Pensions Trustee Company Limited (RPTCL) has announced the appointment of Chris Hannon as the new Chair of its Trustee Board, following a unanimous vote at its Board meeting on 13 March 2019.

With over 40 years’ experience as a pension professional, including as a Trustee Director of the RPS since 2005, Chris is also Pensions Director for Genesee & Wyoming’s UK/Europe Region companies – Freightliner and Pentalver – after joining in 2016. This role followed 12 years as Head of Pensions at Network Rail, where he was responsible for the management and operation of its defined benefit and defined contribution pension schemes.

Chris has also held management and Trustee supporting roles with other large non-rail employers, including Safeway Supermarkets plc and Thomas Cook Group.

Chris’ appointment will be effective from 19 March 2019 and follows John Chilman standing down as Chair to take up the role of CEO at RPMI later this summer.

Commenting on his appointment, Chris said: “I’m delighted to be taking up the role as Chair and thank my fellow Trustees for their support and confidence. The RPS is a fantastic occupational pension scheme, run for the benefit of its many members and it’s a privilege to play a part in that.

“I look forward to bringing continuity of support and focus for those members, developing strong partnerships to ensure we continue to deliver against our mission to pay members’ pensions securely, affordably and sustainably.” 

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