Sustainable Ownership blogs

Our blogs on Sustainable Ownership and environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues will help you learn more about the Scheme's approach to its investments.

What's happening in Sustainable Ownership?

Read our blog posts to learn more about how we incorporate Sustainable Ownership and environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues through the Scheme's investments. 

You can read more about our work on Sustainable Ownership on the Railpen website.

A notepad titled SO blog
Author: Editorial
<p>It's now even easier for you as a pensioner to keep a close eye on your benefits and manage them quickly and conveniently online.&nbsp;<br><br>Log into your myRPS account that is personalised for each individual member and holds your private pension information.&nbsp; <br><br>Once you've logged in, you can:<br></p><ul><li>Check and download your payslips</li><li>Check your P60</li><li>Check and update your contact details (such as your email address, phone number and postal address)</li><li>View and update your death benefit nominations (if you retired within the last five years)</li><li>Access messages about your pension account</li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img src="" alt="Payslips in your online account"></p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Download your payslip</h2>You can now download your payslip when you log into your myRPS account as a retired member. Simply go to the 'Check your payslips' section of the dashboard and click 'View payslips'.&nbsp;<br><br>Under your current payslip, you can select 'Download payslip' which is next to the 'Print payslip' option. When you click to download your payslip, a new tab will open with your payslip displayed in a new web page.&nbsp;<br><br>The payslip will also download and open as a PDF if you have a PDF viewer or editor installed. If you don't have a PDF viewer or editor, you'll be able to go into your downloads and select how to open it from there - you may choose to open it in Chrome, for example.&nbsp;<br><br>You can also scroll down to see your previous payslips, and when you click the little arrow next to each one, you'll get the option to download or print.&nbsp;<br><br>If you have any issues with downloading your payslip, please contact our Helpline on 0800 012 1117 or by emailing&nbsp; <a href=""></a>.<br><br><h2>Your P60</h2>As a retired member, you can log into your online account and view your P60s.&nbsp;<br><br>Your P60 will be moving to the Payslips section within your account. Your P60 shows the tax you've paid on your pension in your tax year.&nbsp;<br><br>As usual you receive a message straight to your inbox saying that your P60 is available to view, however you can also find your P60 in the Payslips section of your account.&nbsp;<br><br>Simply log into your online myRPS account and go to the 'My Pension' section. Then, go to the 'Payslips' tab. Here you can see your payslip, a history of the details we hold for your payslips, and an option to view and download your P60. You can pick the tax year you want before you view and/or download.&nbsp; <br><br>You can only view your P60 if you're a UK tax payer - anyone in an Irish or Guernsey payroll will not be able to see their P60.&nbsp;<br><br><strong>If you're a RPS member with multiple schemes, use the Scheme Switch function in the top left corner of your account to switch between schemes to find which one your P60 sits in.&nbsp;</strong><br><br><h2>Downloading your P60&nbsp;</h2>When you select the tax year you want from the dropdown list, the download button will appear if your P60 is available.<br><br>If your P60 is not available, you will see a message that says 'P60 is unavailable' in place of the download button.&nbsp;<br><br>If you have any questions about your P60, please get in touch with the Helpline by emailing <a href=""></a> or calling 0800 012 1117.&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;</p>

Retired? Check out these online features

Download your payslips and view your P60s online today by logging into your online account.

It's now even easier for you as a pensioner to keep a close eye on your benefits and manage them quickly and conveniently online. 

Log into your myRPS account that is personalised for each individual member and holds your private pension information. 

Once you've logged in, you can:

  • Check and download your payslips
  • Check your P60
  • Check and update your contact details (such as your email address, phone number and postal address)
  • View and update your death benefit nominations (if you retired within the last five years)
  • Access messages about your pension account


Payslips in your online account


Download your payslip

You can now download your payslip when you log into your myRPS account as a retired member. Simply go to the 'Check your payslips' section of the dashboard and click 'View payslips'. 

Under your current payslip, you can select 'Download payslip' which is next to the 'Print payslip' option. When you click to download your payslip, a new tab will open with your payslip displayed in a new web page. 

The payslip will also download and open as a PDF if you have a PDF viewer or editor installed. If you don't have a PDF viewer or editor, you'll be able to go into your downloads and select how to open it from there - you may choose to open it in Chrome, for example. 

You can also scroll down to see your previous payslips, and when you click the little arrow next to each one, you'll get the option to download or print. 

If you have any issues with downloading your payslip, please contact our Helpline on 0800 012 1117 or by emailing

Your P60

As a retired member, you can log into your online account and view your P60s. 

Your P60 will be moving to the Payslips section within your account. Your P60 shows the tax you've paid on your pension in your tax year. 

As usual you receive a message straight to your inbox saying that your P60 is available to view, however you can also find your P60 in the Payslips section of your account. 

Simply log into your online myRPS account and go to the 'My Pension' section. Then, go to the 'Payslips' tab. Here you can see your payslip, a history of the details we hold for your payslips, and an option to view and download your P60. You can pick the tax year you want before you view and/or download. 

You can only view your P60 if you're a UK tax payer - anyone in an Irish or Guernsey payroll will not be able to see their P60. 

If you're a RPS member with multiple schemes, use the Scheme Switch function in the top left corner of your account to switch between schemes to find which one your P60 sits in. 

Downloading your P60 

When you select the tax year you want from the dropdown list, the download button will appear if your P60 is available.

If your P60 is not available, you will see a message that says 'P60 is unavailable' in place of the download button. 

If you have any questions about your P60, please get in touch with the Helpline by emailing or calling 0800 012 1117. 


The information provided on this website is intended for general information and illustrative purposes. Your benefits will be worked out in accordance with and subject to the governing trust deed and rules and relevant legislation.

Although every effort has been made to ensure the information given on this website is accurate, none of the information provided can give you, or your beneficiaries, legal rights to benefits that differ from those provided in the pension trust and rules.

We recommend that you get independent financial or specialist advice before making any important decisions about your pension arrangements.

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