Fair treatment of workers

How we've worked with the companies we invest in to help ensure they are treating their employees fairly.

Case study

How we encourage the companies we invest in to treat their members of staff fairly. 

A play button in blue

Worth of the workforce – one of our ESG priority themes, explained.

What was the issue?

We had an investment in a France-listed business services company.

In 2022, there were severe allegations about poor worker conditions in a very challenging part of the business based in Colombia, where workers provide a service to social media companies to edit and remove the worst content posted to their sites (this is called ‘content moderation’).

At the time, the company denied the claims and said similar allegations had been made previously but had been proven incorrect.

What did we need to do?

We needed to gain a good understanding of the situation and to suggest ways the company could improve its treatment of workers.

What approach did we take?

Although we had previously spoken to the company about its workforce treatment, after these allegations we met again with the company to get a better understanding of the situation and to encourage them to

improve their approach to worker treatment.

We also encouraged the company to exit the content moderation business, which constituted a small part of their total revenues in South America.

The company agreed to exit the content moderation business. It also signed an agreement with a local union on working conditions.

However, the company unexpectedly decided to resume its business in content moderation and additionally acquired a content moderator company.

We met with the company to understand what we saw as a change in its approach and asked how much due diligence had been undertaken into the acquired company’s approach to workforce relations.

What was the outcome?

We were unable to get comfortable that these risks were being managed appropriately. We therefore decided to sell our position in the company.

Although ideally we prefer to influence improvements in company practice, if we think a situation won’t improve, we have to protect members’ capital before our investment is affected by the company’s behaviour.

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