Reporting the death of an RPS member

Here you can find out everything you need to know about reporting the death of a member, how to use our online form and what happens once you've told us.

We are sorry for your loss.

Thank you for letting us know one of our members has died.

Once you've completed this form we will take care of everything at our end, and contact you or the person you've named as soon as we have an update.

It is important that you give us as much information as possible to help us find the member and contact anyone who may benefit from the member’s pension.

If the member was still working, their employer may have already contacted us but it's still a good idea to fill in the form so we can make sure. 

A white lily.

About the member

Please fill in as many fields as you can. The ones with an asterisk* must be completed. To help us find the right member, please try to provide either their Pension Reference Number or National Insurance Number and date of birth.

What additional information can you provide to help us find the member?

About you

Are your address details the same as you have provided above?
Is this an international address?

Who should we contact

Would you prefer us to contact someone else in relation the deceased’s pension? (This could be the executor or the individual handling the affairs of the deceased member.)
Is this an international address?
Do you have a copy of the death certificate?*
Is there a will?*

The File Upload option is temporarily unavailable. We are working on resolving this as soon as possible. You can still submit the form in the meantime and then use the form again to add attachments when we've fixed this issue. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have a copy of the Death Certificate and/or a copy of the member's will, please attach them. This helps us process everything much quicker. We are able to accept scanned copies, photographs or images of these documents (these are normally file types such as jpeg, png, or pdf) up to a limit of 20MB. If you're not sure, try to upload the document and we'll tell you if we can't accept it.

Add another

Any extra information you'd like to add should be no longer than 500 characters.

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