Your future starts here

Planning for your retirement has never been easier with your myRPS account

What do you want to do today?

Use the quick links below to find the information you need. You can log in to your myRPS account to ask for an estimate, use the pension planning tools, make a nomination, switch your investment funds, check your details, and more...

What’s going on in the pensions world?

Keep up to date with the latest pensions news and developments in the Scheme.

February issue of Review online now

Feb 11, 2025
Review is the newsletter for members who are paying in to a defined benefit section of the Scheme.


You can read Review online now. This edition will give you an overview of:

  • the benefits of managing your pension online with a myRPS account
  • the different ways you can take your pension
  • things to consider if you're thinking of working after retirement
  • pension tax allowances
  • an update on Pensions Dashboards
  • a round-up of pension news

It’s the first edition that hasn't been sent to you by post automatically.

This is because we recently moved some of your pension documents, including Review, online and to your myRPS account. If you want to continue to receive your pension documents in paper format, you need to let us know by completing a form.

Read the ‘How I want to hear about my pension’ page to find out more.

It’s really important to register for a myRPS account for access to your pension documents.

As well as accessing your pension documents, you can use your myRPS account to manage your pension. This includes changing your address, requesting estimates, making death benefit nominations, and managing the way any additional voluntary contribution funds are invested. It only takes a couple of minutes to register for a myRPS account.

When you’ve logged in to your myRPS account you can also use the pension planning tools. You can try the Retirement Budgeting Calculator to see how much income you might need in retirement to enjoy the lifestyle you hope for. And you can use the Pension Planner to check how making certain changes, such as paying additional voluntary contributions may affect your pension, and model how you might want to take your pension benefits.

Please help us improve our communications by completing the short survey.

We want to make sure the communications we send you are useful and easy to understand. Please tell us your thoughts on this edition of Review by completing our short survey.