Your future starts here

Planning for your retirement has never been easier with your myRPS account

What do you want to do today?

Use the quick links below to find the information you need. You can log in to your myRPS account to ask for an estimate, use the pension planning tools, make a nomination, switch your investment funds, check your details, and more...

What’s going on in the pensions world?

Keep up to date with the latest pensions news and developments in the Scheme.

Your Spring-Summer issue of Penfriend is out now!

May 7, 2024
The latest issue of Penfriend, our newsletter for retired members of the railways pension schemes, is now available online.

This issue of Penfriend is full of useful information to help you get the most out of your pension.

You’ll find helpful articles on:

  • Moving towards a paperless pension
  • Making life 'mindful'
  • The RPS' 30th anniversary
  • Building digital literacy
  • Taxing issues
  • Pensions dashboards
  • The Railway Benefit Fund's 'check-in-and-chat' service
  • Competition

You'll also find your regular features of the Chair's message, your pension increase, pension news: in summary, rail staff travel updates, stories, letters and photos. Thank you to everyone who has written in to us.

Your printed copy of Penfriend

You'll receive your printed copy of Penfriend soon.

In the meantime, you can read the Spring-Summer issue on the dedicated newsletter page.

We’d love to hear what you think of this issue

If you enjoyed this issue, or have any suggestions on where we could improve, please tell us what you think by filling out  this short survey.

Would you like to feature in the next issue?

If you'd like to feature in an upcoming issue of Penfriend, please send your letters and photos to

We hope you enjoy this issue.