Your future starts here
Planning for your retirement has never been easier with your myRPS account
Use the quick links below to find the information you need. You can log in to your myRPS account to ask for an estimate, use the pension planning tools, make a nomination, switch your investment funds, check your details, and more...
Keep up to date with the latest pensions news and developments in the Scheme.
If you’re a retired member, you can expect to receive your pension increase letter and P60 by the end of May.
Read MoreRailway Benefit Fund (RBF) is offering its free will writing service during March as part of Free Wills Month, with support from the Scheme’s administrator, Railpen.
Read MoreYou will now get most of your pension paperwork online, unless you tell us you want paper copies.
Read MoreWhether you’re just starting to pay into your pension or you're already taking it, we've got information to support you.